![Personalized Book Bundles](https://campbellsportlibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/book-bundle-graphic.jpg)
The staff members at the Library are happy to offer people of all ages the personalized service of creating book bundles for your reading pleasure. Simply call, email, or Facebook message the Library and let someone know that you are interested in custom-made book bundle. The librarian will need to know the persons age and or reading level, a little bit about what they are interested in reading about, and approximately how many books they would like in their bundle. We will even add movies, magazines, and music CDs to your bundle if that interests you. Adult and children are already using this fun service. The adults have really enjoying being introduced to new authors and for children opening their book bundle is like getting a gift! We are here to help you please do not hesitate to call and ask assistance even with finding books to read just for fun.
Date(s) - 12/08/2020 - 12/31/2020
All Day